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WARNING: Get Your Child Moving!!! ??
Your Replacement for Video Game
is finally here! ?
Ultimate Boxing Reflex Ball
ഈ അൾട്ടിമേറ്റ് റിഫ്ലെക്സ് ബോൾ is The BEST & HEALTHY Alternative to Video Games and Tablets. It can increase everyone (kid & adult) ‘s agility, eye-hand coordination, reflexes while having a good time!!!
At first glance, a boxing reflex ball may look strange and even silly, especially to those new to the sweet science of boxing. It is, after all, a headband with a ball dangling from it on an elastic band. However, this little device works wonders in improving depth perception, reach, coordination, and reaction time — all key skills for students of any martial art.
Worn so that the elastic band is centred on the forehead, the boxer tosses the ball up and jabs at it, so that the ball is propelled straight out and then returns almost straight back thanks to the elastic band. From there, the boxer can either intercept the Ultimate Reflex Ball with another jab or dodge it with a quick sideslip.
Tip for Beginner: New learner should slow down hitting speed and strength, and pay attention to rebounding
GET MORE OUT OF YOUR WORKOUTS: Burn calories and improve agility while having fun with the Get Out! Speed Training Punching Ball; Increase reaction speed and focus power, improve hand-eye coordination and hit accuracy, and bring fun to intense workouts; Speedball boxing trainer conditions your arms, chest, shoulders, and upper back
ADJUSTABLE HEADBAND: Boxing headband with the ball is adjustable for a comfortable and custom fit for kids and adults alike; Headband has a soft perspiration groove that is a double elastic layer along forehead to keep sweat away from eyes and prevent glasses from fogging; Headband includes six ventilation slots for better airflow, flexibility, and comfort
CHOOSE LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: 1 black and one red punch ball included; Elastic rope attached to the black ball is thinner and makes the ball easier to hit, so we suggest starting with the black ball for beginners and gradually working towards using the red ball that bounces rapidly for experienced users; Master using one ball and one hand, then advance to both sides at the same time
EASY TO USE: Instructions included; Wrap string around headband to desired length and use attachment strips included on-chain to securely hold in place on headband; Form closed fists with your hands and hit ball slowly and downward, and once you have good rhythm, hit the ball faster and straight out, then upward; Alternatively attach to a doorway frame (mounting hardware not included)
BUILT TO LAST: Headband constructed from lightweight and easy-to-clean silicone for maximum strength; Boxing head ball constructed from foam that is lighter and softer than tennis ball versions, so no boxing gloves are required
Weight:85g for Advanced Design,23g for Primary Design
Suit for: Adult and Kids
പാക്കേജിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു:
– Elastic Headband
– A lightweight ball
– Stretchable string attached to the ball
ഭാരം | N/A |
അളവുകൾ | N/A |
നിറം | A.Primary Red, B.Primary Black, Boxing Wraps, C.Advanced Red |
ബ്രാൻഡ് നാമം | JDGO |
കസ്റ്റമൈസ് ചെയ്തതാണ് | അതെ |
മോഡൽ നമ്പർ | FE-BO0028 |
ഒരു അവലോകനം പോസ്റ്റുചെയ്യുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങൾ loged in ആയിരിക്കണം.
ഇപ്പോൾ "കാർട്ടിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക" ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക! പരിമിതമായ അളവ് - വേഗത്തിൽ വിറ്റുതീരും!
കുറിപ്പ്: ദയവായി അനുവദിക്കൂ 2-3 ആഴ്ച ലേക്ക് ഡെലിവറിക്കായി യുണൈറ്റഡ് സ്റ്റേറ്റ്സ്, കാനഡ, യുണൈറ്റഡ് കിംഗ്ഡം, ഓസ്ട്രേലിയ, ന്യൂസിലാൻഡ്, കൂടാതെ എല്ലാ യൂറോപ്യൻ യൂണിയൻ രാജ്യങ്ങളും.
ദയവായി അനുവദിക്കൂ 2-5 ആഴ്ച ബാക്കിയുള്ളവയിലേക്ക് ഡെലിവറി ചെയ്യുന്നതിനായി ലോകം.
Ultimate Reflex Ball നുള്ള 19 അവലോകനങ്ങൾ