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Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art

Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art

$9.89 - $14.89


$9.89 - $14.89

വിഭാഗം: ടാഗുകൾ: ,
62 അവസാനത്തെ ഉത്തരവുകൾ 30 ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ.
കോഡ് നൽകുക:വേനൽക്കാലം സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ 4%.
Can only be used before 2024-03-31
Minimum spend required: $24.99
7 എണ്ണം മാത്രം ബാക്കി, വേഗം വരൂ.


                                 Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art 10

Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art 11Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art 12Glitter Diamond Powder Jewelry Matte Crushed Nail Art 13Beautiful Diamond Nail Art Designs Diamonds are a girl’s best friends.

And even though most of us can not afford diamonds ring or statement necklaces, we can definitely add a few diamonds to our nail art designs! Whether you would like to create something really unique for a special occasion or would like to experiment with a new and feminine manicure, we’ve got your back with the best product.


1. Apply a coat of clear or colored varnish.

2. When completely apply a generous coat of clear varnish.

3. Whilst wet sprinkle the glitter over your nail (do one at a time).

4. Pat down & fill in any areas which need more beads.


ഇതുവരെ അവലോകനങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല.

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