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House Training Pet Spray

House Training Pet Spray




ലഭ്യത: 100 സ്റ്റോക്കുണ്ട് വിഭാഗം: ടാഗുകൾ: , , ,
106 അവസാനത്തെ ഉത്തരവുകൾ 30 ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ.
കോഡ് നൽകുക:വേനൽക്കാലം സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ 4%.
Can only be used before 2024-03-31
Minimum spend required: $24.99
6 എണ്ണം മാത്രം ബാക്കി, വേഗം വരൂ.


Simple Solution Pet Toilet Training Aid is perfect for the busy cat parent who wants to keep a clean and healthy home environment as effectively as possible. It is scientifically formulated to encourage your pet to use the toilet. 
House Training Pet Spray 10
Our Pet Toilet Training spray reduces housetraining time when used as directed. Safe for use around pets and children when used as directed.
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it contains natural ingredients like proprietary attractant scent which smell similar like grass ഒപ്പം once they sniff the scent, they will follow the scent to urinate. 

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It is easy to use. എസ്hake well and spray a small amount of the product onto the surface where you want your cat to urinate.
House Training Pet Spray 13Place your pet in the area sprayed and allow them to sniff the scent, praise them when they perform.
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Continue the training process by re-applying the product and taking your puppy back to the spot frequently, especially after eating, drinking, playing or napping. Then your lovely pet will no longer urination on carpets, rugs, and floors.
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Kitten Toilet Training Aid not only can train your pet but also can remove stains and odor, which also can make you keep your house fresh and kill bacteria and keep your family member health. 
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  • Weight: 30ml
പാക്കേജിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു:
  • 1x Pet Toilet Training Aid


ഇതുവരെ അവലോകനങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല.

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